Leading Change

Show up in challenging times


Change is inevitable for most organizations. From strategy shifts to reorgs, change is part of the way we work. Depending on your approach as a leader, change can be anxiety-inducing or catalyzing.

Explore how to work with the brain’s natural response to change, transition teams through significant organizational shifts, show up authentically as a leader in challenging times, and build resilience for yourself and your team.

What you’ll learn

  • How the brain is affected by change, and the impact it has on our work

  • Address change management as a design problem

  • Create transition plans for significant organizational shifts

  • Communicate effectively during times of change

  • Navigate tough conversations about ambiguity

  • Lead authentically in times of change - Identify practices to develop personal and team resilience

Who it’s for

Optimal for managers and directors that want to move to the next level. We welcome all creative leaders—including, but not limited to brand, product design, research, and content strategy. All industries and backgrounds are welcome.

This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other leaders across our industry on the subject of change, and how to usher in a healthier culture during times of uncertainty. It digs into the psychology of change and how it affects us deeply on an emotional level. And after the workshop, you get to join a fruitful slack community for advise and connection down the road. Highly recommend!
— Melissa Showalter, Experience Design Lead at Airbnb

Take a workshop

We offer this content and more in our live, remote workshops created by designers, for designers.

Team learning

Combine this content with other topics to create a learning series customized for your team.