Designing Your Time

Prioritize, delegate, or drop


It’s a classic challenge: the urgent winning out over the important. Learn framework for evaluating impact and effort to determine what to prioritize, delegate, or decrease—so you have a clear path for moving forward.

What you’ll learn

  • A framework for evaluating impact and effort to determine what to prioritize, delegate, or decrease

  • How to hold time for focus and deep thinking

  • Tips for managing the constant pings and red dots

  • Ways to say “no” when you’re maxed out

  • Create a time management plan that aligns with your priorities

  • How to align with your manager, peers or reports around your new time management approach

  • Help your team or reports design their time

Who it’s for

Any creative leader or manager looking to manage their time better. This includes brand design, product design, research, and content strategy. All industries and backgrounds welcome.


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